The Libre Report

I make regular appearances at fundraising and media events throughout the state. I’ve even been dubbed PA’s top animal welfare lobbyist! That's right, I hit the Hill to visit all of our elected officials whenever an important bill is being considered.

Legislation, Education Sydney Adkins Legislation, Education Sydney Adkins

The Governor is signing Libre's Law today!

In case you somehow missed it, HB 1238 is going to become law today! That's right, all of our hard work paid off. Libre's Law, along with a number of other animal welfare measures, will be signed by my new pal, Governor Wolf, at 12:30pm today on the lawn outside the Irvis Office Building at the corner of Commonwealth and Walnut Streets, Harrisburg. Come on out and join us!!

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Legislation, News, Education Sydney Adkins Legislation, News, Education Sydney Adkins

House Bill 1238, including Libre's Law, Passes out of committee!

Wow! We're almost there, friends! HB 1238, which includes the cruelty prevention bill named after yours truly (Libre's Law), has passed the Senate Judiciary Committee without any amendments! Now on to the Senate floor...then to the Governor's desk!! Don't forget to thank your House and Senate members for their support. We're almost there!!

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Legislation, Education, Adopt Don't Shop Sydney Adkins Legislation, Education, Adopt Don't Shop Sydney Adkins

Municipal Election Day is tomorrow. Are your candidates animal advocates?

Here's what can you do to make animal advocacy a campaign issue for your local primary candidates? Change starts at home!

Friends! The Humane PA PAC has just reminded me that tomorrow is the municipal primary election day! You can turn your animal advocacy concerns into campaign issues! Call and/or email your local primary candidates and ask them where they stand on these key issues. Then share, share, share on social media!  

  • Animal cruelty prevention
  • Abolishment of puppy mills
  • Willingness to propose local ordinances outlawing the sale of puppies and kittens in pet stores, without proper disclosure of their origins
  • Publically encouraging local pet stores to work only with rescues, and not support the puppy mill industry by sources pets from large scale breeding operations, i.e. Adopt, don't shop!
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Legislation, News Sydney Adkins Legislation, News Sydney Adkins

Support House Bill 1238, including Libre's Law!

House Bill 1238, which includes Libre's Law, has overwhelmingly passed in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives! On to the Senate. Don't forget to contact your Senator and ask for their support!

Great news, friends! HB 1238, introduced by Rep. Todd Stephens and 30 co-sponsors is a bi-partisan, comprehensive, anti-cruelty bill that not only provides needed updates to Pennsylvania’s cruelty statute, but adds many provisions of various cruelty bills that have been introduced this session including Senator Alloway’s and Rep Ryan Bizzaro’s Libre’s Laws strengthening penalties, tethering language, equine protections and more.  It is great to see so many humane legislators get together to offer a comprehensive anti-cruelty bill. 

We need everyone to do 2 things:

  1. If your representative VOTED YES, please thank them. It is Very important to say thank you.
  2. Please call YOUR OWN state senator to request their support of HB 1238.

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Legislation, Education Sydney Adkins Legislation, Education Sydney Adkins

Join me for Pennsylvania Humane Lobby Day

Who wants to join me for the Pennsylvania Humane Lobby Day on April 24th?! Yup, from 9:00am - 1:30pm I’ll be working the halls at our state Capitol.

Who wants to join me for the Pennsylvania Humane Lobby Day on April 24th?! Yup, from 9:00 am - 1:30 pm I’ll be working the halls at our state Capitol. I can’t do it alone! Come help me educate our elected officials and ask for their support of Libre’s Law, Cordelia’s Law, anti-tethering and other animal welfare bills.


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Education, News Sydney Adkins Education, News Sydney Adkins

New Jersey puppy store owner dogged by protestors opens adoption-only shop

Check it out, friends! A NJ pet store owner who WILLINGLY converted his business to an adoption-only center, rescuing puppies in need of homes, instead of selling puppy mill offspring and supporting the larges-scale commercial breeding industry.

Check it out, friends! An NJ pet store owner who WILLINGLY converted his business to an adoption-only center, rescuing puppies in need of homes, instead of selling puppy mill offspring and supporting the large-scale commercial breeding industry. A tremendous partnership between a small pet store business and animal advocates - what an unlikely but unstoppable pair! See what happens when we work together!

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Legislation Sydney Adkins Legislation Sydney Adkins

Libre’s Law (SB 298) passed the Senate Judiciary Committee

Great news, friends! Libre’s Law (SB 298) passed the Senate Judiciary Committee by a unanimous vote. Great job to my best buddy, Senator Alloway! Now it heads to the full Senate for consideration. Let’s keep the momentum going.

Great news, friends! Libre’s Law (SB 298) passed the Senate Judiciary Committee by a unanimous vote. Great job to my best buddy, Senator Alloway! Now it heads to the full Senate for consideration. Let’s keep the momentum going. 

Remember to call, email and write your House and Senate members in support for Libre’s Law!

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Legislation Sydney Adkins Legislation Sydney Adkins

Libre’s Law legislation

Senator Alloway’s reintroduced Libre’s Law legislation. How can you help? Contact your PA Senator and House Representative and request their support of Senate Bill 298!!!

February 9, 2017

Here it is friends! Senator Alloway’s reintroduced Libre’s Law legislation. How can you help? Contact your PA Senator and House Representative and request their support of Senate Bill 298!!!

Call, email, write...repeat.

Senate Bill 298, dubbed Libre's Law, would allow district attorneys to bring felony charges against those who knowingly or willingly harm or kill an animal.

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